Here’s two photos of Bob and I from the first time we hung out 12 years ago, about 2 weeks before we started dating. So young.
12 years ago
12 years ago today was the day that Bob and I became a couple. Two days before Christmas was the first time we hung out outside of work. He came to a party that my friend Sarah and I had at our apartment. I remember going back to New Haven for my family Christmas and talking about Bob to my parents, brother and sister in law. The first thing they asked was how old he was. I guess the name Bob didn’t sound right to them for a 20 year old, lol. They were able to meet him 11 days after we started dating and realized how great of a guy he really was. My niece, Jovie, was born on the 20th so Bob went with me the next day to go meet her. I remember my sister in law saying it was nice to meet him and her calling him Bobalicious. I think it was the drugs talking but it was hilarious. Who would have thought that him and I would become her Godparents many years later. I knew from very early on in mine and Bob’s relationship that I wanted to marry him, it took him a little longer to figure that out, haha. I loved watching him with my niece and then a few years later with my nephew. I knew he was going to be an amazing dad someday and I was right. Although he didn’t get the amount of time with the boys that we would have liked he was able to leave so much behind for them and I hope someday they will be amazing dads like he was. Even if I had known that our relationship wouldn’t be the 60+ years we had hoped for I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Happy 12 years, Bob, I love you!