Our friend Rob was in the seminary at the time but was also part of the core team. Later on after he left the seminary, him and Jen started dating. To watch their love grow for each other was an amazing thing. Most nights after youth group we would go out to eat and it was usually Buffalo Wild Wings. I remember one night the manager there saying something to Rob about his laugh. It was an infectious and hard to describe laugh but when you heard it you couldn’t help but laugh as well.
Jen did one of the readings for our wedding and a year later after we had Logan we asked her and Rob to be his Godparents. They were some of the most Godly people we knew and we wanted that for our son. Their love for our son, Logan, (and later Caleb too) was like he was their own. Logan was the ring bearer in their wedding and Bob was an usher.
During Bobs battle they were there for us and after Bob passed they continued to be. Rob and Jen both did readings at Bobs funeral. I remember asking them about the readings and if they were okay for Bob and they said they were perfect. I know how hard it was for them to get up there and read but they did. Since Rob and Jen had moved away we still made sure to talk and we would have nights where we Skyped with each other and had a drink while Skyping. Every time they came to town they made sure to stop by and see the boys. Rob would wrestle with the boys which they loved since it’s something that Bob always did. He also gave shoulder rides and was such a big kid at heart. The last time they were home where they got to visit with the boys was during Christmas. They got the boys gifts and Logan showed them how awesome he is at reading and read them a book. He also got to show them how he could ride his bike without training wheels since that previous summer was when he learned. What an amazing day that was with them and I’m so thankful for all the memories we have.
Jen called me this morning to tell me that Rob passed from his short battle with cancer. She told me they talked a lot about Bob and I and the boys while he was in the hospital. My heart just breaks for Jen. I was at a loss at how to tell the boys that another amazing man in their life is gone but I did it. I cried a lot telling them that Rob was in Heaven with daddy and both of them said, “he’s dead?” and Logan broke down. Logan cried a lot and through his tears he asked who would wrestle him now and said, “why do all the people I love have to die?”. Such a good question without a good answer and if I could do anything to change that I would.
Ten years ago Jen and I never thought this is where our lives would lead us and that Bob and Rob would both be gone. Another amazing man gone way too soon. Please keep my friend Jen and Rob’s family in your prayers.
So sorry for your lost. Praying for Jen and their family. It’s hard to understand God’s plan. Praying for wisdom, understanding, strength, comfort and peace.
Praying for your friend and you and those boys. I. So sorry they have to know such pain. Hugs.