Bob and I agreed quite a few years ago that when the kids were sick he would be the one to deal with it. With me having Lupus we didn’t want to risk my health in getting something too. Last February we were at the mall picking out a new ring for me. Bob had decided that I deserved one with all of the craziness that we had dealt with so far that year and it would be an early 5 year anniversary present. The ring that we got engaged with was my grandmothers. I love it and it has so much meaning to me but I worried that something would happen to it and I was hoping to be able to hand it down to someone in the future. He wanted us to be able to pick one out ourselves that had it’s own new meaning to us. We picked out the one we wanted and started to leave. Logan said his stomach hurt so Bob took Caleb to the car and I took Logan to the bathroom. Before we made it, Logan puked all over the mall floor. I ran him to the bathroom where he puked one more time. I really didn’t know what to do, he had never thrown up before and he was 3 1/2 years old. Somehow Bob lucked out and got out of dealing with our sick kid. After that Logan was fine and I cleaned him up and met Bob and Caleb at the car.
Well, just last week Caleb woke up around midnight and came and laid on me. He kept whining and ended up puking on me. At first I thought I was dreaming but then he puked again and I realized it was real. I went and cleaned him up and asked if he was okay, he kept saying “okay, okay” over and over in the sweetest little voice. After that he was fine. I’m not sure what it is about my kids puking twice and then being fine but I am completely okay with that. This is just one of those times I wish I wasn’t alone in this.
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