Just wondering when things in my life are going to start looking up. I’ve dealt with so much suffering and pain in my short 31 years of life that it feels like it’s never ending. Finally happy for the first time in what seems like forever and then it’s gone just like that. I just […]
1 year is officially over…
On this day last year, November 2, 2015, I laid my husband to rest. I believe all of the 1st and 2nd I was a robot going through the motions, standing where I was supposed to stand and saying thank you over and over to everyone I talked to. This is officially the end of […]
1 year
2015 in its entirety was a crazy mess and a lot of it was a blur. If Bob hadn’t written his blog and time hop didn’t exist I may not remember half of it. 2016 is basically the same thing. Seems like this year without Bob has gone by so fast but at the same […]