Yesterday the boys and I had family photos taken, the first professional photos as a family of 3. The one thing I was so thankful for last year was that we got family photos taken with Bob about 1 1/2 months before he passed. It was right before everything really started to go downhill. They […]
1 year is officially over…
On this day last year, November 2, 2015, I laid my husband to rest. I believe all of the 1st and 2nd I was a robot going through the motions, standing where I was supposed to stand and saying thank you over and over to everyone I talked to. This is officially the end of […]
1 year
2015 in its entirety was a crazy mess and a lot of it was a blur. If Bob hadn’t written his blog and time hop didn’t exist I may not remember half of it. 2016 is basically the same thing. Seems like this year without Bob has gone by so fast but at the same […]
6 months
Today has been 6 months since I lost the love of my life. I honestly can’t believe it’s been that long yet it still seems like yesterday. When I was picking out Bob’s burial spot the guy had said that they can’t set the headstone until at least 6 months after the burial. I was […]
Bob’s “32nd” Birthday
I went out last night with all of Bob’s friends that I’m lucky to call my friends too. They’ve been a part of my life for 11 years and they’re still there for me and the boys. We had a good time and went to one of mine and Bob’s favorite places to eat. I’m […]