I’ve mentioned a few times before that I believe I have received signs from Bob and I think I just got another one yesterday. Last night I went out with some of my police family to one of the officers parents houses for a chili cook off. They do a chili cook off every year […]
1 year
2015 in its entirety was a crazy mess and a lot of it was a blur. If Bob hadn’t written his blog and time hop didn’t exist I may not remember half of it. 2016 is basically the same thing. Seems like this year without Bob has gone by so fast but at the same […]
6 months
Today has been 6 months since I lost the love of my life. I honestly can’t believe it’s been that long yet it still seems like yesterday. When I was picking out Bob’s burial spot the guy had said that they can’t set the headstone until at least 6 months after the burial. I was […]
Always watching over me…
I didn’t used to do the whole facebook “who is your….?” things but I’ve done a few since Bob has passed. The one a while back I did was ‘who is your guardian angel’ and I got Bob. I just did one today ‘which friend is your bodyguard’, I was thinking it’d be funny to […]
Bobby’s Place
I’ve been listening mainly to Elvis radio on Sirius since I’ve gotten the van. Besides the Beatles, he’s one of my favorites. Bob and I danced our first dance at our wedding to one of his songs and honeymooned in Memphis. I’ve heard our song a few times since I’ve been listening to it and […]